     The show starts off with Stephanie McMahon coming to the ring. She looked great and like she did 10 years ago She told the crowd that Triple H couldn't wrestle tonight because he isn't in good shape for it. Vince soon cam out to aid Stephanie who was getting boos from the crowd. He also explained why Triple H can't compete and then it cut to commercial break.

The Shield came out and soon came Randy Orton with Team Hell No. The match was very good. They have this match almost every week but it never gets old. Bryan had control of the match for the most time. Caught from behind, Dean Ambrose hit his finisher and got the pin.     RESULT : TEAM HELL NO and RANDY ORTON def. THE SHIELD

     The Usos came out to face the Prime Time Players. The match was short and boring. I am a fan of Darren Young and Titus but the match couldn't get the announcers or even me entertained.

     Alberto Del Rio and Big E Langston had a great match following that. The advantage of each wrestler kept changing. Del Rio went for the armbar but turned it into a pin on Langston to win the match.     RESULT : ALBERTO DEL RIO def. BIG E LANGSTON

     Sheamus  comes out to the ring ready to fight Cody Rhodes. The match was alright. The momentum changed throughout the whole match. There was one moment you thought Sheamus would win and then two minutes later, you thought Rhodes had the match. Sheamus got the win and after the match, he went to the announcers table where Sandow was and asked for a handshake. Damien refused and Sheamus attacked him.     RESULT : SHEAMUS def. CODY RHODES

     We go backstage where Heyman and Axel confront Vince about HHH who has just left the arena. Vince announces that Axel will fight Cena in a no dq match tonight.

     Fandango makes a great entrance to the ring with Summer Rae by his side. The Great Khali enters the ring alongside with Hornswoggle and Natalya. The match starts off with Khali slapping Fandango. After a few chops, Fandango starts to walk out of the ring and down the ramp. The Miz comes out to stop him but very soon, Barrett comes out and clotheslines Miz.  

     The Miz doesn't look all that great going into the match because of the assault from Barrett. The match doesn't go on to long until Fandango's music hits(the crowd was fandangoing) and he starts to dance. Barrett is confused and directs his focus to Fandango. Not much later, Miz pulls Wade down and gets him in the Figure Four(poorly executed)     RESULT : THE MIZ def. WADE BARETT 

     Chris Jericho and Paul Heyman come out to sign the contract for CM Punk vs Chris Jericho at Payback. They argue with each other about CM Punk for a while and talk about who is the Best in the World. Jericho gets tired of it and shoves the contract in Heyman's pants.

     Now we have a 6 woman tag team match. AJ and the Bellas team up against the Funkadactyls and Kaitlyn. The match was ok for a divas match and nothing like a Knockouts match. It was short but better than most WWE diva matches. AJ refused the tag and walked away from the ring causing Kaitlyn to hit her finisher.     RESULT : KAITLYN and FUNCADACTYLS def. AJ and BELLA TWINS

     Daniel Bryan makes an entrance shouting YES! The crowd was a little dead at the moment. Ryback made the entrance with the ambulance. The match started off boring and the crowd acknowledged that. The match started to go Bryan's way towards the middle where he soon lost momentum to Ryback. He gained it back by getting a dropkick and headbutt off the top rope. Ryback slammed Bryan later and got himself into a YES lock. Ryback got out and threw Bryan into a table. As Ryback was going for another table, Cena came to the aid of Bryan.

     Curt Axel comes out to make his entrance for the main event. The match starts during commercial break. Cena takes control early and keeps it for a while. Later, they take the match outside where Cena is ready to AA Axel into a table when Heyman interrupts and soon, Ryback involves himself by slamming Cena through the table and gets counted out. RESULT : CURTIS AXEL def. JOHN CENA

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    On the Reviews page, I will post results and what I thought about a RAW, Smackdown, etc. Sometimes, I may not be able to post review on a show. Most of them will be up the day after.


    June 2013
    May 2013

