   TNA had a great show on Thursday night like usual. They started at a new time and did what they do every week. 
   Bully Ray and Devon started the show talking some trash towards Sting. Sting and Joseph Park soon cam out to have a tag team match. I thought it was an alright match. It would've been better without Park.
   Magnus and Samoa Joe announced that they will be teaming up with Jeff Hardy to face Wes Brisco, Garret Bischoff, and Mr. Anderson. I think Jefff Hardy and his team will win no doubt. They have the momentum. When this was announced, some of the Aces and Eights were freaking out all outside of the ring. 
   Mickie James, the new Knockouts Division Champion, cut a good promo. She advertised her new album a bit. I think her slow heel turn is good for her. She was good when she was following Trish Stratus a few years back. 

MIckie James with the Knockouts Championship.
I didn't cover everything that had happened last night for a few reasons, but I think Slammiversary will be a good ppv. I would look out for Abyss coming out and revealing he is Joseph Park. Stay tuned to WrestlingCave.com for more updates.

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